Forum Replies Created
I am content with the new update although pressing the x and exiting completely was a bit of a surprise. I was stunned for a while, looking for the icon in the toolbar. Again lack of communication. But as Janine and Lover pointed out, this is how most programs work. It just needs getting used to and since we are human, it's what we do best.
All I want to say is there is always a reason to complain (even though some have good reasons to), there is just no way to please all. Along with the request for dp, there have been requests for more male clothing, more ff poses, more shemale poses, 4 somes, and I could probably fill the whole page with requests. As I see it, the developers are watching this forum closely, and if they see an opportunity to make money out of the suggestions made her (or save money by asking forum members to help translate, yes i was happy to help as well), they will. As Bear pointed out, some things are just difficult to create without the program crashing. The majority of users don't have up-to-date hardware (what's the average age of a pc?) and the program has to run on those pcs.
I'm playing a bit devil's advocatel here maybe, but until the developers speak up themselves, it will always be guessing what their real motives are for the choices they make.Actually pretty user-friendly… *grins*
QUOTE: “You will wait for long i am afraid…. 🙁 ”
Would you care to elaborate? Imagine how much this pose would be sold…. i am sure they are working on it. But since they have achieved all 3 involved in ffm, i am sure they are working on dp in mmf as well…
“after playing my beloved guitar, staring in the fire and watching the stars passing by in the endless heaven, I decide to go to sleep. I pull my sleeping back close to the fire, to keep we warm during the night. I close my eyes and immediatly know the woman from town will be with me…”
Due to lack of participation (not of interest) I am closing the subject. Thanks to anyone that had the intention to join…
Yes, you click “ok”, log into the shop and click “ok” again…
Didn’t we ask for both? A FF pose and a christmas atmosphere? Who says they aren’t listening… :
My french isn't that good that I couldn't hold a longer converastion, let alone a meeting in a room. Missing the “right” vocabulairy…
Mademoiselle Sinnnn, on dit “non” si la reponse est negative…
Miss Sinnnn, they say “non”if the answer is negative…
You can do that yourself. Go to the first post and at the top right you have the option: “Remove”. That will take care of the post.
And if they don't they should not even try or bother to approach someone that speaks English. Although that is not really an excuse. No is similar in most languages. No, no, non, nee, nein, njet, hayir (different, turkish…lol), etc. etc.
@Adera: I think so too…
@Lover: I see, so that's the reason. Usually you are sharper than that
But I can see how the image got to you…
@Sinnnn: Now there is an example of a language barrier… In this case, missing the intonation of the voice
You do mean ON the toilet right, cause in it just won't work for me. ROTFL
Maybe if a flight attendant was there to take your mind of things…. Treating you as a VIP…
Indeed, sometimes the funniest things come out when someone directly translated from their own language. And having fun means more than hitting it off in a room, also means being able to laugh to the other and together…
@Lover, I assumed you knew this…
6. Joining the Mile High Club
Before the plane is landing… sex in the toilet or in the last row.
Since I have voted, but not yet posted…
Not bad, not bad at all…