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  • in reply to: Body painting #59332


    in reply to: Body painting #59331


    in reply to: Forum Game: The next one posting…. #117308

    Hey moderators… Tomi's cheating  :P lol yeh it's me
    Next is Roxxy

    don't believe her she just try to beat me but I don' let it :P
    and yes next will be Roxxy this is HGO guess :)

    in reply to: Forum Game: What If I give you? #130363

    mmmm  I love chocolate in any way I got :P
    What if I give you a wish?

    in reply to: Forum Game. What does it tell you? #111938

    Don't you think if I were wrong I'd know it – Sheldon Copper

    in reply to: Forum Game: The next one posting…. #117306

    no its me again :P
    next let it be HGO :)

    in reply to: Forum Game: The next one posting…. #117304

    nope its me Tomiiiiii ;D
    next will be Marilyn

    in reply to: Daisy Chain Game #133448

    My Daisy Chain date with His Girl Only

    I know her long time meet many time but I still was a little nervous this is a special date set up for the daisy chain. Her train is just arrive one more check everything's good.
    She step out from the train I see her first she was beautiful like always, I start to walk try to be calm, she see me and she wrapped her arms around my neck was so happy to see me again. It was a long trip to me so  I hold her hand and take her to a café.

    We take a sit at the table I order two cappuccino and we start to talk first average thing than Daisy Chain Game comes up guessing who will be the next one, „did you see the new earrings?” she ask „happy earring day Tomi” I just sit there calm and I answer with little smile on my face „yes I see tham and speaking of earings close your eyes angel” I see on her she get exited what I want.
    I put a little gift box on the table “You can open your eyes now” whan she see she get more exited what could it be she smile on me and I think what a lovely smile she has.
    She open the the box it was a new earring she love it stand up come to my side she give me a cuddle and a  kiss.

    I took her back to my house I hold her hand and bring her to the middle of room where we can dance we want to show the other the new songs we found. Fisrt we fooling araund wit fast dance than a slow one comes next, I look in her eyes smile on her pul her close to me I put my hands on her waist she wrapped her arms around my neck. At the end of the music “I have another surprise” I say I make diner with little candles on the table and a bottle of red wine.

    “How we finish this great day?” she ask, “movies I tought we can watch walking dead I know you like it I got the new parts” I say. So we liy down on the couch and start the move she move closer to me at the scary part I don’t say nothing just smile and hold her, few times she push her face on my chest to hide her eyes at bloody parts of movie I cuddle her make her calm again. After a few part of the move she lay silently in my arms I just watch her as she get closer to sleep give her a little kiss and hold her till she fall a sleep.

    in reply to: Forum Game. How good is your Love match? #133800

    and what I do with the numbers add it to my total?  :)

    in reply to: Forum Game: What If I give you? #130360

    I keep it as a gift cant use it I have short hair but I if you need I can lend you
    what if I give you earring? :D

    in reply to: Forum Game: The next one posting…. #117292

    yep its me again
    the next one will be who write next  ( I cant guess wrong with this )  :P

    in reply to: Forum Game. What does it tell you? #111926

    Lover ( not you )  ;D jk

    in reply to: Forum Game: The next one posting…. #117289

    morning, yes its me :)
    maybe HGO will be next

    in reply to: Please read thank you. A Cruel Hoax. #133685

    Thanks to the god really good news Im so glad  :D

    in reply to: Forum Game: The next one posting…. #117274

    yes its me Tomiiiiiiiii  :)
    next will be lover

Viewing 15 posts - 1,666 through 1,680 (of 1,820 total)