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  • in reply to: Good guys groups… #65222

    Ok, lover, now you lost me… you say there is NO correlation between being a nice guy and romantic/passion/ecstasy? Seriously? You need to re-read what I wrote bro, cause you apparently didn't get it.

    I have NO problem grabbing my woman and tossing her on the bed, or pushing her up against the wall, or hell… in the park in front of a hundred onlookers, and having a rough, passionate, and hot as fuck time…

    None of this is precluded in the “Romance” section. You need to pay attention, because nowhere did I say that a good guy does NOT do this kind of thing. Passion is also at the core of what we do when we're in love.

    I”m just trying to separate the passionate side from the abusive side. I doubt that you are abusive to your women, but I know you are passionate… and loving, caring, and kind also.

    Wow, because I don't go into Great details in my post, you think I'm a total softie, and a prude. God… now I understand why girls turn me down, cause they don't get that I can and will take those steps to be extremely passionate in the appropriate moment.


    in reply to: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G ) #66184

    Thudding footsteps echo from beyond the door, as the silhouette of a two meeter tall… not quite a man, but not alien… part machine… pushes through the doorway, bending over to fit through.

    Everyone's eyes become locked onto him, the musicians pause with a drone for a lack of concentration… the bartender overfills a stein, not paying any more attention to his duties…

    A half ton of Mjolnir armor half crouched through the doorway, the gold plated visor on his helmet, and the iridescent green glow of his entire body covering armor, giving him an impenetrable, godlike look. An emblem of a Chief Petty Officer, with the label “S051, KURT” under it, brandishing on his left breastplate.

    His head glances from the bar, to the bull, to the tables and all those sitting around… he finally fully stands straight, his helmet crashing into the light fixtures, causing him to go back into a light crouch… his armored gauntlets moving with such speed he quickly calms the swinging lighting…

    With that, he turns back to the door, and an eerie, deep, masculine voice utters from his armor's speaker systems…

    “Sorry… Wrong place.”

    He lightly thuds back out the doorway, letting the door shut behind him… his armor's weight sounding long after he's left the entry.

    in reply to: Good guys groups… #65208

    What bull?

    in reply to: Good guys groups… #65206

    It fills my heart with joy that  this site and the lovely people on here  have boosted your confidence and  put a spring back in your step…
    Sure,you'll come across idiots every now and then but  on the whole,  we got a great bunch of people on here….. And  it's just great….

    It's great we have good guys on here too , especially  when you have just dealt with  a complete knob & need to put things back in perspective…

    Trek, if I may be as bold to say ….  It's lovely that you are a generous man …. But  you will be taken advantage of….. Especially by unscrupulous people on here…   Set yourself  a creed…. I will not gift unless ….    Just a thought ..  It's your game my friend….

    Covems,  it's about time you had a go on JD's Bull  down at the Bar&Grill ,  there's a skull full of Brandy punch if you can stay on 30 seconds..  ;D

    You might want to re-read my post. :) I already said, I wont gift unless I want to.

    in reply to: Good guys groups… #65203

    For a sec there I thought you called me “Zekkie… as in Zek… grand nagus of the Ferengi alliance… :P)

    in reply to: Star Trek #63036

    Star Trek Online… Season 6 coming out soon. New Fleet starbase ideas to think about. Some wonderful things happening with that.

    Also, who's looking forward to the June premier of next year's new Film? I know I'll be in line for this one.

    in reply to: Group Pose ideas – 3 people & plus. MMF. MFS. MFF. #44563

    I'm onboard with the whole mass group or 4 some/6 some idea. Swinger party would be nice, actually. Lots of fun.

    in reply to: Jeanona’s Fashion Styles #25338

    I for one love both the lingerie and the hair. :) Nice work.

    in reply to: Good guys groups… #65200

    One final note… to Bluedenim… I'm so sorry for the way I made you feel. It was unkind, and uncaring… and uncalled for. Everyone is different… and sadly to say, I have to agree with you about me being introverted and harsh and rash and… an asshole of late.

    Sometimes I just need a good slap to the face, or maybe someone to punch me hard enough for me to wake up… :/

    in reply to: Good guys groups… #65199

    I have to admit, for the past week or two, I have been very upset at the things I've seen going on here on the game, and on the forums.
    I have said and done things that are not right, and I would like to formally apologize to the NSPD and Azrielle for my behavior, words, and actions. I took things to extremes, and felt like someone needed to take a stand against the wrongs here, and saw nobody making the first move.

    Because of this, I'd like to restate, and clarify, a few of my opinions. Feel free to engage me in debate, but I don't want anyone to feel put down, insulted, left out, or otherwise negated in this.

    1. BDSM

    First, I do understand and can appreciate the desire to be… shall we say… gently forced, and having passionate and even at times rough sex. (C'mon, who hasn't wanted to replay the scene in Mr. and Mrs. Smith after they fight and nearly kill each-other?)

    Second, although I do not have a personal attraction to such things as whipping, spanking, anal, bondage, and other things of that nature, I can certainly understand that many others do.

    Third, as far as taking things too far… well, in my opinion, that qualifies as things such as Rape, Forced Sex, and Immediate Family Insest. These things show a tendency to desire such destructive and actually mentally debilitating traumas, and are not something that I personally would wish on my worst enemy. I've had family and friends who were Raped, as I'm sure we've all had friends or family had this happen to them, and there's not anything sexy or lovely or even enjoyable about it. People with these fantasies, need to go see a therapist… probably. Just my opinion.

    2. young PLAYERS (Playing)

    First. This in itself disturbs me. Not so much that there are guys and gals who are under 18, most between 15 and 17, here who play. I agree to the terms of use, and personally state that I believe it to be wrong for anyone under 18 to be on the site and game.
    However, I have to say this in some light defense… most teenagers now days, hardly talk to their parents, or even teachers, or any other authority figure who can properly guide them in the nature of sexual pleasure. Yes, we now have Sex Ed classes and the like, but personal interaction and communication just is missing in so many ways. So, for those users who are here to explore, and gain info, and learn, I understand why you're here. (It's still wrong tho… go talk to your parents.)

    Second. For all those of you who like to play teacher or father or student or child… if you're into the college aspect, that's of no issue to me. It's the High-school and Jr. High mentality that I'm talking about here. And, I'm sorry, but if you're really into that kind of thing, get some help… The majority of fantasies that are played out in this manor contain a young person who is usually between 14 and 17… and hardly anyone who admits such fantasizes of a young 18 year old woman or man… the term I've had tossed at me is “The younger the better”. This alone appalls me… that anyone can even let such thoughts enter their mind. When I have kids, I know that if anyone even fantasizes about them, those individuals would be paying with… their anatomy parts. (Other parents, please join me in this… uncles, aunts, brothers, sisters…)

    3. The GOOD GUYS.

    Let me restart this properly.

    To all you women out there looking for a decent, good hearted, wonderful, caring, loving, open guy… WE EXIST! The Knights are here, we do treat you women with respect and honor, and we don't like to end up being the “Best Friend”, the “Rebound Guy”, the “Shoulder to cry on”, or Left behind when you decide to get scared, walk away, and go back to the guy who treats you like shit.
    We're the Forever guys… the ones who propose and mean it… the ones who would open doors for you, draw baths for you, go to the store and pick up your feminine hygiene products for you… (Yes, I said it… and when that does happen, it means we're yours totally…). We'd go through hell for you, fight for you, and die for you, without a second thought.

    In this place, that means that we usually just talk, or dance, or do other simple things at first… we don't rush in and try and rip your clothes off, or jump you right away (Unless we've had some previous alone time… hehehehe…). We just want to see that your needs are met.

    GUYS I want you to join me, if you're this type of guy… I'd like to spearhead a group if possible, of guys dedicated to their women, loyal, honorable, real, trustworthy, and who want to show the women of this place that Romance and Love can exist again here.

    The ONE limitation I have to you Gentlemen, is that you do not get suckered into the web of the prostitutes and whores here who ask and beg and trick you into giving them A$. This means, no buying pics, and no renting of services. (I am NOT saying you cannot gift. But don't gift from duty or obligation or payment… Instead, give out of love, passion, desire… and because you want to.)

    Who and How many of you will Join me in this?
    (Not sure if anyone will…)

    Ladies, how many of you truly want one of us at your side?


    Log cabin is definitely the main issue, but haven't had the experience with the yacht yet… but nobody to try it with yet so… :P

    in reply to: FOREPLAY FOR GROUP POSES !!! #53580

    Agreed in all aspects. Once again, if we had more of these, I'd be more inclined to join in on the group fun. The poses as is, lack a lot, so I stay away from them.

    in reply to: Romance #65792

    Lover… well said. And without Love, the human race would die out, and not just because of population decrease… but without love, humanity cannot exist. Love is the core of our being… every soul desires it, craves it, needs it to survive.

    And I have to admit, being Love-drunk is one of the best experiences on the planet, if not the best.

    in reply to: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G ) #66165

    Forget about the panda… put Spartan 117, John, Master Chief Petty Officer in that ring…

    in reply to: Romance #65783

    Hey, Jayc, if we ever get an Achat Bar and Grill, I'll take you up on that one. (That would be a room I”d love to buy… for groups of 4 or more…)

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