Forum Replies Created
Do they really join us or don't they have clothes?
Well judging by the current number of “I want gifts” taglines I suspect they actually have nothing to wear…
Says an guy from Great Britian where they drink beer luke-warm and don't know how to appreciate a good layer of foam on your beer..
I'll do sauces and dessert. As a former chef I'm still quite handy in the kitchen. I do need help to toss the salads, maybe give the cucumber someattention? Any volunteers, girls?
Btw, father's day in holland the 19th as well…
Nothing wrong with strong body and a nice creamy headSo you were a chef? In McD's, or BK?
Well I'll have to bring the beer – several kegs of proper British ale should do it
but be warned Bear, it's very different from that weak fizzy Colonial crap you guys drink across The Pond
I've joined the cause! (Not a pretty sight, I should add…)
Yep, too right there Lover – a properly-made 3D movie makes all the difference – *cough* Avatar, anyone?
I repeat my wish for a SPA! Pool, sauna, massage rooms, jacuzzi, shower, changing rooms…
Yep agreed, a spa would be kool bud – there'd have to be soap for in the shower though – soapy boobies, mmmmm
i put new modem in myself
Umm, Sunny…modems generally work better if they're connected to a 'puter, but if you can put it “somewhere else” then I applaud you
Nice update – just checked it with RG, though like Lover I need to see the new F actions available.
Nice one, Lover, I'm there
Fathers' Day in the UK is June 19th, so I'll see if I can return the gesture, though BBQs in the UK tend to be very much subject to the weather…
Thought you'd appreciate that one bud
I gues it's embedded in your language. Not a niative speaker, heard it today for the first time. Sorry if it was corny…lol
Pfft, dude you speak far better English than I do Dutch! And not corny, just…anticipated lol
Beware of the trouser snake…
Someone had to make that joke, Tight… :
Who said I was reliable, Bear?
Got it downloaded, tried it today – it's very impressive for a freebie, so where's the catch?
I tried this pose out with a very good friend I've made on here – we were both extremely impressed by the work of the Dev Team on this one
Have just been forced to watch High School Musical 3 by my 9-year-old daughter…I doubt I'll ever recover :-[
But on a plus note she watched the Fellowship of the Ring with me, and absolutely loved it! The Two Towers next…
Hmm, nothing to doat the moment Bear, so I'm gonna take your advice and give this a go. Update to follow…