Forum Replies Created
@Sunny: Are you going to call the plumber and meet him at the door in just a skimpy top and hotpants?
Umm, you forgot the hat…never forget the hat
Like Bear, I have sent requests to the dev-team directly. Sad to say they ignored my input and didn't even think a response was necessary.
Yet I support to the idea of flooding them with requests for our wishes.
But as always, this is just guessing because the A-team isn't very communicative. That's a shame. If they had an open dialogue with us, talk to us more in different ways (newsletters, previews, beta-tester, test-reports on forum, etc. etc).Yeah, that's one of the points I made to them – communication's a two-way street, or rather it should be. If I get no response then maybe the next stage is to put together a group message and have as many people as possible send it to them…
In light of this thread, plus numerous others where we have gathered ideas for what we the users want, I've contacted the Devs directly. I appreciate this has probably been done before, but I thought I'd give it a go…once I get a response (if any) I'll post my message and their reply for you all
I voted for more biker stuff, but I’d also like a tux 🙂
I'm gonna buck the trend slightly and vote 1…I don't like the kit, but at least us blokes got something!
@ Tony: it is in the shop, second page of poses bud 😉
How about goldilocks and the 3 bears !
Alot of bed swapping there ! Or on the stair case !
Lol, if we're going down THAT route, I should mention Snow White… 😮 Not quite to my taste I must admit, but hey ho, each to their own!
Don't think this one's been posted yet:
(song ends at 4:11, the rest is ads for their DVD)
I use AVG, never had a problem with it. It's a good program, free, works well and isn't too obtrusive…unlike Norton which seems to have days where it blocks damn near everything
I'm surprised that no-one's mentioned the Fallout series – you get so many possibilities from a single title: plain old shoot 'em up action, stealth, problem solving, questing, character upgrades, these games have it all IMO. Plus the gore and swearing doesn't go amiss
I've got Fallout 3 and New Vegas on PS3, been working on FO3 for about 50 hours now in total, and I'm no more than a third of the way through it! Not seen too much on NV yet as I've just had a quick look at it but didn't want to get too distracted from FO3.
Just choked on my drink when I saw the Alice costume – “awesome” just isn't the word!
Right, I'm with you now Bear – without galvanising greater support by way of polls and posts, little will change in the way we want it to, but rather the Devs will release the updates that they choose to write…hmm
, that's a real shame. It smacks of ignoring your consumer base, doesn't it?
Ok, we agree we all need more clothes and if they give a kilt it must be a “longer one. This brings me back to the Scotch costume, including a cap, a “right” barb, a whiskey and a cigar
Perhaps a bagpipes?
[/quoteDon't forget the sporan!
Btw, I'm told that the definition of a gentleman is “a man who can play the bagpipes…but doesn't”
Thanks for the welcome, guys
Having looked through a fair few of the forum threads on various topics I can’t help but notice that the Devs don’t seem to visit here too often, or at least they don’t post that often…is there an official “suggestions” link, or do we have to keep posting on here in the hope that, one day, one of the team reads and acts upon our requests?
(I know this is going off topic slightly, apologies)
April 28, 2011 at 1:00 pm in reply to: Nurse’s outfit. In sex clothing, licking asshole is licking the skirt #47605By the way, some guys wanna lick your dress 😉
That’s just wrong – think about the sort of stuff that gets spilled onto nurses’ uniforms… 😮