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  • in reply to: Music Association Game #41802

      James Blunt – You're Beautiful


      in reply to: Caption Competition No.2 – The Result #168590


        Oh look. It's Priti Patel.

        That's so funny. Made me laugh so hard!
        Another brilliant quote pulled out the bag by Zuz.

        in reply to: Wisdom of the day #149391


          in reply to: So sad… Some players have sick minds! #168601

            Hi Jan13,  Welcome to forum.

            Seems a shame you have had a bad experience in the short time you have been here.
            Most are good people and some are here in forum.

            Just ignore the players who play the silly mind games and surround yourself with the positive players who enjoy this game for what it is and  enjoy building the community with us.

            Take a closer look in the Contests section here.
            Tift has a fun “Caption” contest going on and the vote is open on the 55 word Halloween stories and poems.
            We need more people to vote, so please read and vote for your favourite.  Oh and ask your friends to join Forum and vote too.


            in reply to: Regards, wishes and little messages #127242

              Falkland Islands

              [img width=400][/img]

              The Falkland Islands are now free of minefields after 38 years.

              in reply to: Vocabulary word of the day #143298


                This is something many people already call many politicians, but it happens to be a nicer sounding term. This refers to a politician who does or says things for their own personal advancement instead of following their own principles. Try saying this in your next political discussion and see people’s reaction.


                in reply to: Vocabulary word of the day #143297


                  This is actually a Scottish term, but it sounds really nifty!
                  The definition is a funny and gross one; this is what people living in Edinburgh shouted out their windows as a warning before dumping their slop buckets out of their windows. At least they gave a little bit of a warning to those below!


                  in reply to: Remembrance Day and Veterans Day 1 #143089

                    A Soldier’s Battlefield
                    by Vaughan

                    Dedicated to our Military and the fallen service men & women.
                    Thank you for your service, all you have done, all you have achieved and all you have given for us.
                    We will never forget.


                    The Crashing of shells!
                    Shrapnel and exploding earth!
                    Will I survive this?

                    Helmet slips down to
                    Eyes, with splatterings of blood.
                    Loud and scary times.

                    Not my blood Thank God!
                    But the poor soul blown to bits,
                    Standing next to me.

                    A mush of flesh there,
                    Is all that remains of him!
                    God keep me safe prayers!

                    A wounded comrade
                    Seen in the red grass ahead.
                    I pull him to stand

                    “Run and keep moving,”
                    I shout above the mad din
                    More exploding clods!

                    He nods, turns and falls.
                    A bullet lodged in his brain!
                    Instant death this time.

                    In the deathly smog,
                    More deadly enemy fire,
                    Cutting down brave men.

                    Choking as I breathe,
                    Bad air and death everywhere.
                    Eyes sting and mouth dry.

                    Too much blood stains me!
                    Mostly from others, not mine.
                    The horrors of war.

                    I see enemy!
                    A murderous soldier looms!
                    It is me or him!

                    He lunges for me,
                    With rifle and bayonette.
                    I parry and slice.

                    He falls with dead eyes.
                    My swipe firm and fatal
                    A man in his prime.

                    Exhausted and tired.
                    Another man meets his death,
                    As I fire and hit.

                    The battle rages.
                    All around me dead soldiers.
                    The war of countries.

                    Bullets whizzing round.
                    Screams of fatal injuries!
                    Dodging and weaving.

                    Praying I survive.
                    My mind already war scarred.
                    Nightmares now sown.

                    Will I ever know
                    The Peace we fight for so strong?
                    A bullet finds target…

                    My leg’s searing pain!
                    I fall to the ground, screaming.
                    Blackness and breathless.

                    I see enemy!
                    The murderous soldier looms!
                    It is me or him!

                    His deathly eyes wide!
                    Screaming I fight for my life.
                    I am held down fast.

                    “It’s ok Soldier,”
                    A feminine voice calms me.
                    “You are safe now here.”

                    Hospital Care now.
                    Physical injuries heal.
                    Mental scars still hurt.

                    War's cost is too high!
                    Dialogue and compromise
                    Is the way forward.
                    Ask the soldiers who know!

                    A Soldier’s Battlefield  by Vaughan.

                    in reply to: Setting invite restrictions #168594

                      Great idea apollo.

                      It would be great to also have the option added of turning off and on invites. This in one  fell swoop would get rid of colds and  for the inviter to ask the person he or she wishes to invite so they can turn it on.

                      I'd even pay to have the on / off switch option.

                      in reply to: What is your feeling today? #158936

                        [img width=400][/img]

                        in reply to: Remembrance Day and Veterans Day 1 #143083
                          in reply to: Things that make you smile & giggle #164438

                            “U CAN'T TOUCH THIS” – COVID 19 Edition – Made Entirely With Healthcare Products


                            [img width=100][/img]

                            in reply to: Music Association Game #41792

                              “Stayin' Inside” – Coronavirus Bee Gees Parody



                              in reply to: Caption Competition No.2 – The Result #168587


                                “Well boys, I think we should whip it out, dont you?”

                                in reply to: Life HACKS and Simple Home Projects #166395

                                  Did you know you can regrow some foods in water

                                  WHY SHOULD YOU REGROW FOOD IN WATER?
                                  There are plenty of reasons to regrow food, but the most important ones to me are:

                                  (1) IT’S ABSOLUTELY FREE.
                                  You already bought the vegetable. All it costs is a few tablespoons of water – but if you’re smart about it, you can re-use water you’ve already used elsewhere, like from boiling pasta or water that you collected while waiting for the shower to get hot. Then it wouldn’t cost you a dime!

                                  (2) IT’LL TRIM YOUR GROCERY BUDGET.
                                  Little ways to save money really do add up to bigger savings, as long as you’re diligent about using them.

                                  Now, you won’t get a huge harvest out of any of these items, but it is still food and every little bit helps. Even if it’s a few leaves of lettuce to scoop your tuna salad with, you can regrow food you didn’t have before and won’t have to buy.

                                  (3) IT MAKES ORGANICS MORE AFFORDABLE.
                                  Affording organic food just got easier! If you start with organic food, you’ll regrow food that’s organic… so you’ll reap the benefits of organic greens without actually paying for them!

                                  (4) IT’S EASY.
                                  Do I have to explain further? I mean, stick the plant in water and watch it grow. Really – it’s that easy!

                                  I’ve listed below all the vegetables that can legitimately grow in water and water alone.

                                  Sure, there are plenty more that can START in water and then be transplanted to soil. And yes, beans will sprout in water too – but unless the vegetable will grow into more vegetable that can be eaten as-is with only a cup of water, I kept it off this list.

                                  GENERAL GUIDELINES TO REGROW FOOD IN WATER
                                  You don’t need a lot of water – just enough to cover the roots. About 1/2″ of water seems to be sufficient otherwise the food can get moldy and slimy.
                                  Be sure to check the water every 2-3 days to ensure that A) there’s enough water, and B) no rogue lettuce pieces fall off and slime up your bowl.
                                  The size of container should be relative to the size of the food you’re growing. Lettuce and celery grows best in shallow bowls like these.
                                  Green onion and lemongrass can be in taller, skinny glasses like these.
                                  You can regrow multiples of the same plant as long as you’re not overcrowding the area.

                                  BOK CHOY
                                  Cut off the bottom of the stalk and place in a small bowl of water. New growth begins from the center in 1-2 days with significant growth in less than a week!

                                  Place the root end in a shallow bowl of water and watch it regrow from the center. Be sure to harvest on the smaller side to get the best flavor.

                                  CARROT GREENS
                                  You can’t regrow an actual carrot, but you can regrow the carrot tops! Place the cut-off end of a carrot in a shallow bowl of water. Harvest the greens as they grow and add to salads. Better yet, make this amazing carrot top pesto and stop spending money on store-bought!

                                  Foods-that-Regrow-in-Water_1.jpg  Foods-that-Regrow-in-Water_5.jpg

                                  Cut off the bottom 2″ of the stalk and place in a small bowl of water. New growth begins from the center in 3-4 days. It might take awhile for a full stalk of celery to grow, but you’ll get great growth in the center for flavoring dishes. If you don’t know what to do with the leaves, dehydrate them and make your own dried celery powder.

                                  Cut off the bottom 1″ of the base so that the roots are intact and place in a small bowl of water.

                                  GARLIC CHIVES
                                  Garlic chives are the green that grows from a clove of garlic and can be added to dishes that traditionally call for green onion chives like salads and baked potatoes. Place a garlic clove in a small cup and add water to the bottom without submerging. Roots will grow in a few days and shoots will grow shortly after!

                                  Tip: Garlic starts to lose it pungent flavor when the shoots grow, so if you find a rogue clove in your fridge or pantry starting to shoot, place it in a cup of water to grow chives instead of throwing the clove away!


                                  GREEN ONION
                                  Keep the white part of the onion with any roots that are in still intact. Place in a glass with water and you’ll have a never-ending supply of fresh green onion!

                                  Cut off the bottom 2-3″ of the stalk and place in a cup of water. New growth will come from the center of the plant. Usually only the green part of the leek is used in cooking, but it can be used interchangeably with onions for a delicious, mellow flavor.

                                  Cut off 2-3″ from the bottom and place in a tall container with 1/2″ or so of water. New lemongrass shoots will grow from the center.

                                  Foods-that-Regrow-in-Water_2.jpg  Foods-that-Regrow-in-Water_no-words.jpg

                                  Cut off the bottom of the head of lettuce and place it in a small bowl of water. New growth begins from the center of the in as little as 3 days and you’ll have a new half-head of lettuce in about 2 weeks. I’ve heard romaine re-grows best, but I’ve had success with green leaf and red leaf lettuce too.

                                  GOT MORE SCRAPS TO REGROW FOOD?
                                  There are plenty more vegetables that will regrow using just a small scrap of the original food. These listed below can be started in water, but should be transplanted to dirt for full growth and harvest.

                                  lemon balm
                                  onions (white/yellow/red)
                                  sweet potatoes
                                  And of course, you can save the seeds/pits from apples, cherries, lemons, nectarines, peaches, peppers (sweet and hot), plums, pumpkins and tomatoes to grow your own new vegetables!

                                  We have several heads of lettuce regrowing on our kitchen table, which makes for a pretty and practical centerpiece! If you had a shelf near a window, you could keep all your plants there and just harvest when they’re big!

                                  Just think – if we did all of the above ways to regrow food, we might not ever have to shop at the grocery store again!

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