Forum Replies Created
October 14, 2009 at 12:52 am in reply to: Game idea. Change Clothing without Chat Interruption. #12087
That's why i said : « But sorry, i guess it's not exactly the same thing… »
I just thought it would be good to remain that idea, because after all we're talking about changing clothes, but as I also said : Ninni's idea is probably better and more important…
October 14, 2009 at 12:47 am in reply to: Game idea. Change Clothing without Chat Interruption. #12085And … it has been suggested too, but i think it would be good to have the possibility to change clothes inside a room, and not to have to leave the room to change and then go back in the room… But sorry, i guess it's not exactly the same thing… And Ninni's idea is good, you should listen to it !
There’s a member called Sexy sixteen, with presentation message ” i’m 16 “… I tried to explain to her that she has nothing to do here but i guess she won’t listen. I’m kind of tired of those stupid kids… Anyway, I know that the creators of Achat can’t do nothing about that. You guys did what you have to do about this question. I just wanted to report that.
For me… Well i guess i will say the same things than Leo : when i first came to achat, it was for sex. I have to be honest about it. But i soon realized that is was also a wonderful place to chat and meet people. I started to talk for hours with a member whithout doing anything sexual, and she became a friend. That's just how am i : i love to talk with people. And i don't really see the interest to have virtual sex with somebody you don't even know a little. There's nothing really exciting about it.
This is a short answer, i'll try to be more talkative in the future… Believe me, i can do that !
Well it could have been worse, he could have compared you to Nicolas Sarkozy…
Is it possible to do voice communication while in the room? It will be much mure excited!
ah come on guys, if you wish to have that feature, what stops you from installing and using skype or a similar service?
That's true !
I do agree with Willy !
I propose here a top of the participants with two categories:LADIES and GENTLEMEN;(five and five).Depending on participation,clothing,picture,activity in forum,etc.After three days I will publish first ranking.Please help me with yours opinion (and options). :
For Bouli:I hoped that someone help me.To start TOP,I post here my option.Time,he will approve TOP or not.Only time.
Well of course, as nobody aproved it, now you consider that time should be the only judge. And after that ? God ?
Dannyello? Ben non tu m'dérange pas pentoute. Ctun thread sans prétention pis ça ca veut dire ke n'importe ki peux ce tirer une bûche pour dialoguer
faike si ta l'goût de venir icitte ben ya pas de trouble sauf que moi ben jvais te parler en francais parske cé ça ki est ça
Si certaines personnes non-francophones mais pratiquant un peu le français lisent ce topic, elles auront la chance de voir toutes les différences qui résident entre le français du Québec et le français de France.
C'est ça qui fait la richesse du français !
P.S. Ben alors les belges, les suisses, vous faîtes la gueule ?
Tiens-tu tant que cela à nous faire faire des cauchemars, Louna ? … Moi je m'en fiche, je suis un amoureux des films d'horreur et d'épouvante, alors j'ai l'habitude, mais enfin…
Et au fait, salut à Léo et à Nico !
Mais je les connais déjà !
DIALOGUE in “TOP”(another topic):S-“Where is that list?I don't see a list.” D-“Pag.1,Reply8” F-“Totally useless…..” S-“I do not see anything in answer 8” B-“I should not have said list.After you “complained” ,your name was taken out of that post.” (Theater)
You don't understand : nobody cares if you call that a list or a top. That's not the point at all…
You have lost the essential element: it is a game(you are part of a virtual game).Tomorrow (at work, at school,at office,etc)is reality,but now it is a game.Is valid for all.
So what ??
I agree with Leo, it could be very usefull… !
I also have another suggestion : don't you think it would be fine to have an opportunity to create a longer presentation of ourselves. Not on the achat window, it would be to heavy, but maybe by clicking on a link we could get on a page here where every member could, if he wants, take the time to talk a little more about him, what he likes, what he dislikes, why he comes here, what he's looking for, etc.
Just an idea, I could live without it of course !
Glad to see there's more ” romantic scenes ” in preparation… And well, about the next feature that is announced today, it looks acrobatic but… well… I kind of like it too…
Silence doesn't aprove anything… People don't comment because they just don't care. I hate that kind of argument.