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  • in reply to: Window is smaller #16842

      mine and some other I've talked to have said there's is smaller also

      in reply to: Avatar is acting weird and Choppy. #16561

        There have been time when I have entered the room and my avatar starts jerking like she got an electric wire up her ass.  Another time when I pick a positions she start to do it the jerk right back into the original position and she keep jerking back/forth between positions like this. Its pretty funny sometimes,  but I just want to know I'm not the only one this is happening to. 

        This happens sometimes when your comp hasn't been restarted for a long time, restart and it should be good for a long time again, The A-team looked into it a while back, there is another thread, not sure what came of it

        in reply to: Security overhaul needed #15778

          My account ChrisADA was hacked.  The person/persons who did it went in and changed all my information.  Changed it to some place in Bulgaria or France.  Either way…if you see this account, know it's been hacked and it WILL hack yours.  I suggest you have nothing to do with it.

          This guy has hacked other accounts too, also he has a free account named SaltPepper

          in reply to: FAQ – the most common questions and answers #12986

            Hi Bear,

            you only can gift A$. And this only to your friends and lovers and just from man to women.

            The other way is to be nice and friendly and make them happy in room ;)


            FWIW wemon can gift other wemon, men can't recieve gifts but we can gift each other, I would love to see them change this so I can gift men and you guys can each other.

            Also you do not need to be friends/lovers/spouse to gift, any woman can be gifted by using the “Members” section on this website.


            in reply to: Game idea. A Report Abuse button please. #15059

              I'm voting no, and here's why;

              Nicoquin you mention things that you think are “abuse”  “age, prostitution, rape, and so on” who are you or anyone to say what is or is not abuse? Who will judge, you? Tom? the A-team? Are you asking them or every member here to become a judge of what is “abuse”?

              Even two of the examples you mention prostitution and rape, I and many others enjoy a good prostitution game/fantasy/ role play, and some even enjoy a rape role play. Who are you to say that these games that many come here to play and experiance in very safe way are “abuse”?

              Minors playing or adults playing as minors is a legal problem for achat, but all the rest is consenting adults doing what they wish.

              It's my opinion that almost no abuse is possible here, at least unwanted abuse. Each of us have to agree to go to a room and change scenes, and can ignore anyone we don't want to talk to. So how is any of the abuse you speak of possible?

              If you or anyone else are so closed minded that you find these things you mention to be abuse then just be an adult and don't take part, use that ignore button to ignore anyone you think is abusive, and I will do the same. Don't limit my game because you think it is “abuse” becasue if it is then it's self abuse and my choice.

              I only see two small places of abuse here; first personal insults in the description line, no big deal, censoring it would be worse. But second, people creating many different charactors to trick people and get around the ignore list. I would like to see this stop, maybe the A-team can make it so ignoring one charactor will also ignore all others from the same computer or ip address.

              in reply to: More Sensual, Foreplay and Afterplay Poses. #13839

                Is it possible to get some post love actions? Like in the “flirt” or “foreplay thing” (which I think should be a default free thing), could there be one similar to cuddle in bed after you finish making love? could there be cuddling in bed before? why does the bed have to be for sex only? Anyone else want to see non-sexual activities in bed (for all, m-m, f-m, f-f)? Reply to this thread.

                Agreed but don't forget ffm, fff too.

                in reply to: FAQ – the most common questions and answers #12965

                  Thanks bobbler,

                  One more silly question, what determines the order members are listed in a search? I understand the premium before everything else, but what about within premium?

                  From what I can tell, it *seems* like everything is based on seniority…how long you have been a member or free user.  Premiums are listed oldest first to newest, then the Bots, then free users are listed old to new.

                  It does seam that way, but then the seniority must reset easily, I say this because for a time today I was on top and I'm only 3 weeks in.

                  in reply to: FAQ – the most common questions and answers #12960

                    Thanks bobbler,

                    One more silly question, what determines the order members are listed in a search? I understand the premium before everything else, but what about within premium?

                    in reply to: FAQ – the most common questions and answers #12956

                      is there a place I can see my membership info like when my current subscription is up?

                      Do the monthly subcriptions stack, that is if I pay a week early am I losing a week, or will my subscription then end in 5 weeks?

                      in reply to: Stuttering bug #12780

                        I had this same problem, seamed to be getting worse, very frustratiing.

                        Then I read this thread and realized I hadn't restarted my computer in at least a month, seams all good now.


                        in reply to: Ignore / Block button. #10433

                          FWIW I may at times been to quick to hit the ignore button. However I've made it my goal to remove one or two a day from my ignore list, generally those in my friends, friend lists.

                          in reply to: Buying membership with A$ and Blue Star Glitch. #12931


                            I can't be sure what I was told was true, and I am new here. But if I understand right premium members are listed in a search above the bots, and free users below the bots. However I know I have seen several listed above the bot but with no star. This is what prompted this question, and makes me believe what I was told was true.

                            in reply to: Glitch. Instant Avatar Name Changing #12922

                              I ran into a premium user that is constantly changing his name, I thought this couldn't be done?

                              Are you sure??


                              Yes I am, he changed it several times during a chat to show off that he could. It was actually rather funny, and I know he's watching this thread.

                              Aren't you?  ;)

                            Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)