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  • in reply to: Erotic Story Contest 1 ( New Year’s Resolution ) OT #54952

    mmm.. Love Boat theme?

    You mean like a cruise near the Tuscan coast? ::) Maybe something with an underwater oral theme :P or “sex in a lifeboat”? 😮 ;D

    in reply to: Erotic Story Contest 1 ( New Year’s Resolution ) OT #54902

    :) Thanks Lover

    Janine, a tie is a possibility.. Interested to know how the dev-team feels about it :) And.. the voting isn't over yet.. For a few more days: Good Luck to ALL!

    Congratulations to you both. :)

    in reply to: Room Idea. Orgy Rooms or Bukkake Rooms #52306

    it might be fun if u can be with more then 3 in a room to have a gang bang or something  would be nice if they also made poses for it

    Are you counting the cameraman and the lighting director? 😮 :-X ::) ;D

    in reply to: Merry Christmas to Everyone. 1 #57227

    Whichever Holiday you celebrate (Hannukah, Christmas, Kwanza), may your body, spirit, and soul join in the ecstasy of Life. :) ;) :-*

    in reply to: Increase Membership In AChat #56499

    Sounds better that it may turn out, i know of at least one Premium on here who I think has 3 Frees under other names. No names as there are other people I would love to start topics on.
    Is it possible to have a private chat to a mdoerator about things that disturb one, but may possibly be misconstruing?

    Sounds like a good idea for providing forthright criticism without publicly “airing dirty laundry” or being labeled negative. :)

    in reply to: Increase Membership In AChat #56495

    Please forgive the question if everyone already knows this, but is it possible to “term limit” free users? The overall discussion appears to revolve around growing AChat by encouraging “free” users” to become “premium”. At the same time, several people point out the value of not subsidizing “moochers”, who consume resources without contributing.

    Therefore, is it possible to limit “free” membership to a reasonable timeframe, i.e. one month, then an automatic cancel if people don't convert to paying customers. In order to screen abuse of multiple sign-ups under different names, could the dev team track these by computer I.P. number and cancel chronic abusers?

    Since I am not a computer “geek” I don't know if these things can be implemented. However, I am looking for a compromise that provides marketing draw for “free” recruits, which at the same time preserves distribution of resources to players who invest in the game.

    in reply to: Increase Membership In AChat #56483

    Rukya sweetie. One (and maybe the only) advantage of being a lesbian on here is that the users who would be hitting up Apollo for gifts will room with us for free.

    You are correct. I am always willing to room with a lesbian (or two) for free. ;) :-X :-*

    in reply to: Increase Membership In AChat #56482

    I have been a premium user on here for 2 years and to be honest, prem or free, a lot of girls here are bitches. 90% of them demand A$ to room. I'm already paying $50/yr for this place, so I am in no mood to double pay. If you want to help free users, more power to you, but I'm at the point where I will NOT be renewing my membership in March when it expires.

    I empathize with your feelings. I started out listing on my profile, “No prostitutes or manipulators” and got comments that somehow I was the rude one. Personally, I always try to be pleasant and sensitive to new people I meet on here, regardless of whether they are “Free” or “premium”.
    I don't like the attitudes of prostitutes or users in real life, so there is nothing in this game that would make me act any different in a fantasy world.

    In terms of finance, I did gift one lover a month's “premium” membership with the goal that we would both enjoy cumming together. It wasn't a charity gesture, and my goals were selfish so I wouldn't represent that it was for the greater goal of growing AChat. In contrast, I believe financial decisions are entirely personal, and I feel no “obligation” to support free members.

    If I piss off a few people on this game, it is probably for the same reasons I would piss off the same personalities in real life. 😮 ;D ;D

    THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS    Part  2       West69

    The light in the piazza had faded. Only shadows left from the flickering of the candlelight from a few apartment windows high up on the stone walls. Alice started her walk back to the hotel, suddenly realizing she hadn't eaten anything since breakfast. She would be famished by the time she completed the walk back, although it was scarcely a mile. Maybe she could talk room service into fixing her some Mexican food. Tacquitos were her favorite, especially chicken, sprinkled with fresh pico de gallo.

    As she moved down the narrow street, her path hugging the walls rising up to a darkening sky, she heard the faint echo of her heels on the pavers. At first the sound was rhythmic, tapping about a cadence as her legs cut through the thick, moist air of the inner city. But soon, it was discomforting because the echoing footsteps were a second out of sync. She quickened her pace to test her suspicions, but the echoes returned slightly faster than her own. She could feel her heart beating in her chest, but worked to calm herself. She had wanted adventure, but not danger. She sped up, but could hear a person following her, pressing to catch up to her. She darted through a short-cut in a wall, and could just see the front of the Andreotti in the distance. More people were on the main street now, and the sounds of the pursuer silently fell away. She entered the hotel lobby quickly, and took the elevator this time. Out of the elevator, one sharp turn, and she pressed her key into the lock. She was back in her room safe. The pounding in her chest started to subside, although her pussy had been wet with anticipation.

    She crumpled into the thick leather Isabella chair, and ran her hands up and down the smooth myrtle veneer arms of the chair.
    Waves of fear subsided as the elegance of the chair and its strong arms comforted her. As she relaxed more, her stomach reminded her of the need for food. Something that would satisfy her body's need for sustenance, but also something hot that she would allow her mouth to toy with to help satiate her desire. As she got up to look for the room service menu, a knock at the door startled her. She approached the door, put her back to it, hoping they would not know she was there. She listened, but the knock came again, not loud, but determined. Finally, getting the courage to look through the viewer, she saw him.

    Soft green eyes, and wavy blonde/brown hair. A muscular neck, and powerful arms extending out of a simple black t-shirt. He stood patiently, but resolutely, expecting the door to open. He was not a hotel employee. She looked down at an angle through the peephole and he was holding a long coat. She recognized it from the piazza. As she was convincing herself to continue hiding behind the door, he suddenly smiled a bright and knowing grin. She had been caught. Somehow he knew she was looking at him through the tiny viewer.

    Her body relaxed and she opened the door slightly, just a bit at first, but then she unlatched it, put her hand in his, and pulled him slowly into the room. No words were spoken. He lifted her and carried her into the bedroom, cradlding her body with one powerful arm, and tossing aside the down coverlet. He laid her back carefully, taking in the vision of her tanned legs and torso as they slid down onto the alabaster white silk sheets. His gaze moved up to her breasts, neck and face and she appeared to glow with desire against the background of the virginal white bedding. She reached up to him, kissing him full on the mouth, then pressing his face to her belly. Pushing his head down between her thighs. His lips parted and began a long slow movement with his tongue, first around the outside of her, then up to her clit, then deeper inside her. She arched her back, and he quickened the pace. She was wet in his mouth and he could feel her thighs tighten. He let his hot breath envelop her clit, and she writhed with desire. He could feel waves of her pleasure, low at first but rising in tensity. She was close. He would not move away. He would not enter her yet. He wanted so much to please her. She was locked against his mouth, so close now. So close. And before she even hoped for it, he
    grasped both of her hands, pulled her clit into him, and yesssssssss. She could not think, see, or hear anything around her. She was riding his mouth. Her head back she ground into him, pressing her exploding clit into him. Her body teased her, first rock hard, then shuddering, over and over again. Then she lay back, laughing hysterically. She couldn't help it. The release was so welcome.
    he had been there for her, returning the gift of orgasm she had given him at the concert.

    The rest of the night was a blurr. Sometimes he would reach from behind her, rubbing her gently at first, but building in tempo. Before her mind surrendered she thought of Ravel's Bolero, her analogy soon lost in physical waves of pleasure. Sometimes, he would enter her from behind, spreading her legs and feeling her taught buttocks against his thighs. He would press into her, and she would grasp his cock with the muscles in her pussy, so he jerked with delight. Sometimes, and she didn't know how, he would lift her up, her lower body would turn in the air, and she would be astride him, sliding up and down, teasing. Sliding to the top of his cock, almost coming out, but at the last minute, back down firmly, all the way to the hilt, so he could feel the wetness deep inside her. Sometimes when she thought they were done, he would lie on top of her face-to-face, look into her eyes, then enter her gently, never losing her gaze. They would rock back and forth, her excitement building, and as
    she was losing control he would lean forward and place his mouth on hers. A kiss of controlled passion. Holding the moment, denying the orgasm until the last possible second. Then pulling her spirit into him so they could be one. And soon, their bodies were not responding, as much as anticipating. She knew his bodies movement before he went there. He would thrust and she would meet him, without any need for encouragement. Their orgasms became entwined, and sex was left behind and transcended.

    Somewhere in the late hours, they both lay back on the bed, calm, with the heat of passion now just radiating off their bodies.
    He put his arm out across the pillows, and she instinctively tucked her head under and against his shoulder. She could feel the rise and fall of his chest and the gentle relaxed breathing. He would start to fall into a slumber, but kept trying to catch himself. He pressed against her, held her, kissed her shoulders, and then she drifted off to sleep.

    At about 5 am she awoke with the breeze pushing the curtains against the open window. They had left the window open to cool down after lovemaking, but the night air was chilled now, and she reached out to pull him closer. He must has woken earlier, because the bed was empty, and he had rejoined the night mist. She started to sob, but held back. The pain of his absence was almost overwhelming, but her body was still so relaxed thanks to his touch.She was determined not to act like a child. Last night was a dream that might never be recaptured, but that would never be forgotten.

    Alice showered and put on a fresh outfit. After brushing her teeth, she looked into the full length mirror, and almost didn't recognize the reflection staring back. The exquisite innocence of girlhood had escaped from the mirror. The new image was the incarnation of womanhood, with a passionate ardour of confidence, and a full satisfaction of who she was. She decided to plan her day, trying out this new woman who presented herself. Maybe she would take in a museum or two, or an art gallery. Even with her new found persona, she would still have to back up her vacation story with some facts. She couldn't tell any but her best friends what had happened in Rome. And especially not her mother who would pester her for details, calling her every five minutes on her cell as soon as she returned to Madrid.

    Before she could decide the day's itinerary the phone rang. Room service was on it's way? A few minutes later, she answered the door, and a young attendant entered. He was her same age chronologically, probably 20 to 21 years old. However, after last night he was much younger than her. He greeted her pleasantly as he rolled the silver tray onto the veranda. She asked if breakfast was included with the room, but he said, “No, it was ordered by the gentleman who left very early this morning. He said to make sure it got to you just as you awakened to greet the day.” She thanked the young man, and he left. She went out to the veranda, sitting to watch the sunrise, and let the sun's first reys warm her bare legs. Uncovering the plates she found various sweet pastries, fresh orange slices, and a cup of steaming espresso. The aroma of the espresso was delightful, and just what she needed after a passionate night and a relaxing sleep. She placed one of the orange slices onto her tongue and let its tart juices roll back on her palate. Then she saw the small silver plate in the center of the cart. Underneath she found a beautiful orchid. They had not said a word, but somehow he knew.

    She leaned back and smiled. She would have to rethink her museum plans. Perhaps another local concert, in a small piazza.
    Yes, she decided. That was exactly what she needed.


    I am told by competitive strategists that it is never wise to go first. Embarrassed However, since I offer this story in the spirit of fun, I hope someone enjoys it as much as I did writing it. Grin For those of you who are accomplished authors, I provide the caveat that I consider proper grammar “restricting”. Therefore, please forgive my transgressions against the English language. Finally, obviously this submission ends my potential reign as a contest judge. I look forward to reading everyone's work, but will not submit a vote.

                                                             Through the Looking Glass  –   Part  1    West69

    Alice stood looking intently into the full-length mirror. She had just stepped out of the shower in her second floor room at the Hotel Andreotti. She could hardly believe she was in Rome. She had made a resolution for adventure almost 11 months ago, and the year was rapidly coming to a close.

    Her mind clicked back to the image staring at her in the mirror. She was a full 6'2″ in height, intimidating to some men, but majestic as a woman. Coal black hair cascaded down her back all the way to the gentle arch above her hips, reminiscent  of the mane of a Lipizzaner stallion. Her eyes, a natural hazel/brown, would be changed to indigo using the deep blue contacts she brought. She let her eyes follow the nape of her neck, down her shoulders, past the European sized 87C, well formed breasts, to her narrow waist.

    She dropped her towel, revealing the newly shaved area just above her pubic bone. She giggled because it was the first time she had looked down there since her little tuft of rich black hair was removed. She couldn't resist moving her hand across the area, then down slightly, tempted to rub just a little. She felt a tightening in her nipples, and decided, “No”, she would wait, in case her plans went astray. There would always be later in the warmth of the room, maybe with legs spread feeling the flames in the fireplace reaching out to embrace her. Then maybe a slow dance under the golden portable shower head, intentionally designed as a perfect phallic substitute. Her thoughts started to carry her away again anticipating the pulsing pleasure of the warm torrents of water caressing her clit, but she caught herself and tried to regain focus on her resolution.

    She let herself daydream a little about the fun of pretending to be an American. In fact she had registered under the name of “Alice
    Miller” because it was so blatantly American tourist. Her thinking being, that Italian men always hit on American women.The women were on vacation, oblivious to where they were, and most of the time silly. They made the perfect Italian score, physical pleasure, but no commitments. As she looked back in the mirror, she realized how stupid she was. She was European to the core. She was from Madrid and her culture and mannerisms were clearly European. She was a mix of Brazilian and African on her mother's side, with a contribution of other exotic ethnicities from her father. Her skin was a creamy chocolate, the same color as rich espresso with sweet cream swirled in. She was only 20 years old, and when she smiled it revealed she was a girl. But if she pouted her lips, tilted her head down, and brought her eyes up to meet yours, she could have easily passed for 26 or 28 years old. She was sultry, and even a man transfixed by her beauty, could not mistake the confidence and style of a European woman.

    Returning to the moment, she began to dress herself, pulling on the fresh pair of purple panties and lace bra. Orchids were her favorite flower, so of course shades of violet, lavender, and deep purple were her choice for lingerie. She decided she would use a very subtle shade of amethyst as eye shadow. Not enough to detract from the blue contacts, but enough so that her fantasy lover would notice, when her clothes came off, her eye shadow, bra, and panties all welcomed you together. She hurriedly slipped into a white sundress, just short enough you could not miss her thighs. The days had been warm in Rome, so a multicolored long scarf was added just to fend off the chill of the evening. Her outfit was completed with Prada “Aviators” to make her more mysterious.  Matching Prada pumps provided an air of affluence, stylish, but not haughty. She made sure the heels were short enough for walking the cobblestone streets comfortably, but just tall enough to stretch her calves with each step. Any truly attentive man notices the calf muscles of a woman as they tighten, and tease you into wondering if the thighs would welcome you with equal power.

    Now, out of the room, and down the sweeping stairway into the lobby of the Andreotti. Simply stepping out of an elevator would ruin it. She descended the stairway, knowing all eyes were on her, and as she glided between the 15th century renaissance tables and huge urns of flower arrangements, she saw a movement on her right. Back in the shadows of the Via Veneto bar a man's head turned and followed her. She felt his fixed gaze from across the lobby, almost hot against her skin. She had to keep moving or she would lose her nerve.

    She could not see the man in the bar's features, but was sure by his movement that he never took his eyes off her. The massive carved iron and beveled glass doors opened in front of her, and she stepped onto the Via Castelfidardo. The Trevi Fountain and Spanish Steps were only 20 minutes walking time, but she turned the opposite direction seeking the more rustic narrow streets through the residences.

    Matronly women watched her with admiration from their old iron balconies. A few who once had her fieriness in their youth recognized what was on her mind. You could almost inhale the earthy desire as she glided past. Men froze their ancient chess games, and held their wine glasses in the air, unable to move them closer to their lips or to set them down. Memories of youthful erections teased smiles of satisfaction as Alice swept by them.

    She kept moving past the bakeries and little shops, most of which were shuttering themselves for the evening.
    A few people smiled as she slowly climbed the rise of the narrow street, but most were already thinking of preparing dinner or an early aperitif in their rooftop garden. The smell of fresh baked bread and pungent ripe green olives had almost carried her away when the street opened into a small piazza. It was very old, perhaps 800 to 900 years, with rock pavers worn smooth by passersby over the centuries. The piazza, no more than 30 feet in diameter was ringed by apartments, and in the center were a guitarist and a saxophone player, quietly jamming to their own muse. At the edge of the circular piazza were three small rows of rock benches, sparsely occupied by a few locals. The musicians paid the crowd little attention, although they hoped for a spare coin in appreciation. The listeners made no demands of them. They just drank in the acoustic sounds as they floated up to meet the last of the sun's rays caressing the apartment tops.

    “Alice” decided to sit and accept the artful gift of the musicians. Even though only six to eight people were there in the piazza, she sat down in the second row toward the end, away from the other listeners.  As she gazed about the circle, she felt a person's knees behind her, gently pressed against her back. He must have sat down close behind her when she was not paying attention.
    She politely moved to the left to give him more room, but his legs seemed to follow her. He had now opened them slightly, so the upper part of his calves just grazed her arms. She could feel he was quite muscular, possibly a professional soccer player or athlete. She did not want to move again so she leaned back slightly and his legs caught her, allowing her to recline a bit. Then he leaned forward, moving her long black hair aside and kissed the back of her neck. This startled her, but she felt a warmness just below the newly shaved pubic area. Her eyes quickly looked first at the musicians, then toward her fellow concertgoers. No one was watching her. Her breath quickened at first, but she was soon able to control it. Was she really doing this? She was trembling, but reminded herself of the resolution.

    Without turning, she reached her arm behind her, her hand eagerly searching for a response. His hand met hers and he moved her hand to the zipper on his pants. He had cleverly placed a long coat in his lap, so no one could see they were touching.

    Together with her hand, the stranger moved his zipper down, and she felt him, hard and pulsing. He was not wearing underwear.
    He helped her form a circle between her finger and thumb, and moved her up the shaft of his cock, just below the head. She could not pull away now. The sax player was pelting out a mournful solo, and she began moving their hands together up and down the strangers cock. She could feel his excitement, as he stiffened, and lifted his hips slightly. She could feel herself getting wet, but was so busy she could not touch herself without interrupting his pleasure. She turned the palm of her hand upward, flat against his cock, and moved it faster. She ached to turn around, throw off his coat, and take him full in her mouth, feeling his heat, all the way in. But a few people were there, and she flashed on the thought of trying to explain to her parents how she got arrested in Rome. She continued stroking him, hearing his breath quicken, until he exploded. He was as silent as he could contain himself, but her hand was wet with his essence. It was warm like the handlotion she heated at home before she secretly rubbed it on herself when alone.

    There was a shudder, then the man leaned back. She could hear him exhale, and she knew her hand had pleased him. As she started to turn and offer him her best smile, the musicians suddenly stopped and began packing up their instruments. The crowd, knowing the concert was over, began to look about, one or two locals taking notice of her. They weren't sure how to interpret the look on her face, but clearly she had been carried to some level of ecstasy by more than the refrains of the guitar. When she was able to regain her composure, she turned, and the man was gone.

    At first she was disappointed, but upon reflection realized that regret had no place in her adventure. She was proud that she had shown resolve, and that she was able to silently please an unknown lover, even though he could not return the favor. There was nothing left to do but pull her wet panties apart so they would dry a little under her white dress as she began her walk back to the Andreotti. Maybe she would enjoy a glass of port in the bar, then return to her room, and let her anxious fingers play the part of the stranger.

    (See next post to continue)

    in reply to: Erotic Story Contest 1 ( New Year’s Resolution ) OT #54883

    thanks for submitting first west :) but you posted it into the wrong thread its supposed to be in the New Years Resolution thread to be considered for the competition.

    Thanks, Kittenlepurr. Typical of my dementia coupled with lack of computer literacy. Will try to fix it. :-*

    in reply to: Erotic Story Contest 1 ( New Year’s Resolution ) OT #54876

    ah, and there is no pressure on working parents? lol I will post my story sunday at the latest. Just one more read-through, correcting spelling mistakes and maybe altering some sentences, but in essence it is finished…

    Ok, I have no trouble being an “equal opportunity apologizer”. However, when I said “young kids”, for me, that could easily include “working parents”.
    Perhaps the “99” for age I listed on AChat is closer to the truth than you might assume. Those of us that are closer to a “dirt nap” MAY have less pressure than the rest of you. ;)

    in reply to: Erotic Story Contest 1 ( New Year’s Resolution ) OT #54873

    lol give us time to write the stories. I know I just started mine a little bit but I can now work on it more with finals over with for college. YAY BREAK

    Sorry, I forgot about the pressures on you young kids in college.  :'( Hope you “ace” your finals. 8) :-*

    in reply to: Erotic Story Contest 1 ( New Year’s Resolution ) OT #54869

    Ok, so where are all the stories?  ;) Has anyone officially submitted one? I am ready to read and judge. ::) ;D

    in reply to: Butcher Block Table : ) #54542

    plz tell me if I should even keep writing ……….ANY COMMENTS ARE WELCOME  !!!!

    > LITTLE . Sunny  . SMILE  ;D

    With great respect and some admiration, the best advice I can give you is to reflect more on your question. Writers don't need affirmation to  write. Something inside you will be nagging you to write, pulling and pushing you, so feel the need to cast your thoughts on paper. If you are asking if an audience enjoys your work, I certainly do. You have raw talent that needs polishing, but that comes with repeated effort. You also seem to enjoy writing. Don't take that for granted. Many of us have written stories, reports, papers, etc. as part of a job assignment. “Enjoyment” would have been a beckoning mistress. Writing without passion is like sex without love. So, Islandsun, I cannot tell you if “you should keep writing”. You will need to determine that. :) :) :) :-*

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