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Tagged: Achat Bar and Grill. AB&G
- This topic has 2,121 replies, 105 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by sexilicious.
April 12, 2013 at 8:36 am #67338
Walking over to the Bar “hi Joe slide a cold one over what did I miss after Blue pulled me out of here”
Joe smiles and tells me what I missed. I smile back “looks like missed a great night” I laugh and take a sip of my cold beer.
“Is Miss Brandy and Miss Stone around” I ask Joe “In the office or out the back I think” he answer “thanks Joe”I take my beer and go look for them walking by the end of the stage I look up and see my throne still there “MMMM I have to get that to my dungeon today” I think to myself
Walking over to the office I see a door just open a little. I push the door open and let the little light from the bar light up the small office sized room.
“MMMM this would do Perfect for my plan” I say out Load
“What plan is that Tango” I hear from the Bar Office door as Miss Brandy come out of it.
I smile at her “I have an Idea but need a room to do it in and this would be perfect for what I need”
“SO WHAT IS IT” Brandy ask's
“Let me Find Miss Stone and I'll meet you in your Office” I say as I raise my eyebrows
“OK don't be long then” Brandy say's and gose back into the office.I close the door of the small office and head off out to the back of the stage to find Miss Stone.
“Miss Stone are you out here” I call
“Yes Tango” she replies as she comes out of the ladies changing room
“Can I have a quick word in the office Please”I ask
“Sure Lets go now” she says as she walks over to me “what's it about” she ask's with a puzzled lookI follow Miss Stone into the officeand close the door behind us.
April 14, 2013 at 12:36 am #67339As I've been on a 2 hour drive to the A B & G, I enter with my headphones in, my white hat, dark black shirt, white pants and boots to see the bar full of interesting people and a mechanical bull!
There is a new sheriff and town. Hopefully this sheriff can find himself a partner or a lil lady to keep him company. I sit at the bar viewing the surroundings, watching how the people move and interact. But the beautiful woman across the room has caught my attention. I know she is surrounded by her friends, but maybe I can impress her. I'll come up with something later, *motions to the bartender*
Cowboy:” Can I have a beer please bartender?”
The bartender gets my beer and I begin to think i'm going to like this place, after I get my beer I go and kick my feet up and see what may be in store for later.
April 14, 2013 at 1:55 am #67340After my karaoke song I need a beer, so I walk to the bar. Notice lastrock sitting and go to him. “Hey texas, I see you found our bar. I promise it's the best bar in town. It's the only one” I lough and cheers to him. “Hope you have fun and enjoy your stay here. You know you don't have to pay your first beer – and the second I pay. I even pay another one if you join our new game called “AChat paper chase
Look to Old Joe “Look at the names on the wall. Every player of paper chase gets a free drink.”April 15, 2013 at 3:00 pm #67341After a long day on his motorcycle seeing the country side, Old goat comes in and moves to the end of the bar.
The end that is at the wall, takes a stool and relaxes a little, leaning on the wall to hold it up. Slowly surveys the room with knowing eyes.
This bunch must be straight out of the loony bin, he thinks. I will fit in here with no problems at all.
Soon the barkeep offers a beer and he accepts. Takes a long drink when it arrives.
leans back and waits for the next event to start.
More fun than a barrel of monkeys.
And the girls look damn good too.April 19, 2013 at 8:51 am #67342Coming out of the shower, i can't not stare at Jane in my new bed, barely covered by red sheet. I smile thinking at the strange night we had in the Bar & Grill: she ask me to be spanked and i had done it…..maybe a little too rough for her first time! I can't go out of my head her expression in that moment, so i had take her to my place to try to relax her a little and to properly apologize. We had talk and drink for hours, talking about us, of how i feel lucky to met my Master and to had her as friend….a pleasent talk as rarely it can happend! then, probably thanks to the alchool in my body, my mind turn off….i can't remember what happen….all i can say is i wake up near her, sleeping with a pretty smile on her face.
I put a shirt on and move downstare, where my laptop is, turning it on to work on a little project i have in mind for a nice event to share with all the guests of the Bar & Grill. It takes me an hour to work on it, but i think it turn out pretty good: i grab my cell and search for the B&G number, then i start a call.
“Hello, Bar & Grill here!”
“Hey, Joe, it's me, HB… Brandy around!?”
“No HB, she's busy in the office with Tango! have i call her for you!?”
“no need thanks……just say her i'll be there in the afternoon to talk about the new event”
“Sure thing….i'll tell her!”
“thanks Joe….see yu later!”
“Later, HB”
and i close the call. I look around at my new flat, partially empty…..more work to do here, before it come out how i want it, but the dwarfs are working well! I'll take my cup of cappuccino and step to the windows, looking outside at the sunny weather…..finally no rain at the horizon!
April 19, 2013 at 4:10 pm #67343i step into the Bar & Grill, feeling some refreshment from the high sun of spring weather: it takes a couple of minute for my eyes to adapt at the low light of the room and see few people running here anbd there preparing the place for the near opening.
I take my bag and walk to the counter where old Joe is cleaning some glasses and giving order to set everything for the opening, when he turns and see me.“Wellcome HB! you came, at last!”
“Of course……we have to prepear everything for the next event!”
i answer him pointing at my bag. I can see a smirk rising on his face, a clear sign he know what i'm planning…..damn, how he had find it out!? oh well…..
i wink at him and move to the board, trying to find a place in it for the poster i have with me….too many on this small board! well, it's not so small but with all the event we have here in AChat city, maaan… began small! Anyway, at last i found a free space in it:
The Bar & Grill invite all of you to the first Furries Party of AChat City!Join us for it in April 26!Bunny, kitty, tiger, wolf….free the furry inside you and join us!I stare at the poster and smirk, thinking at the wild night it can be and wondering how anyone of the usual guests of the B&G will dress for the event! Of course, mine is ready and i know someone who can really enjoy it…..
April 19, 2013 at 10:31 pm #67344As I was strolling through the bar, HB caught my eye. she was holding something wild talking to Old Joe. She then move over to bored and place some thing up. curiously I walked over and came upon a such a lovely made poster.
The bar & Grill invite all of you to the first Furries Party of AChat City!Join us for it in April 26!Bunny, kitty, tiger, wolf….free the furry inside you and join us!I love a good party but what to were hmmmm……
Hehehe this will do just fine
April 20, 2013 at 12:10 pm #67345I saunter into the bar & greet Old Joe, grinning from ear to ear. I nod a greeting at Covems, Sexilicious & mrsexlover chatting away.
There are new faces at the bar, talking to Lover and I ensure Old Joe sets up the free drinks for them and go over to say “Hi “ to Lastrock , Old_goat & jcm084.
We exchange pleasantries as I welcome them to the bar & tell them to enjoy their drinks, and soak up the atmosphere. There’s always something happening and they are welcome to join in.
I lean over to the bar bell and ring it vigourously… ” Everybody Tangoracer has reached a milestone 400 posts Hip Hip HORRAY, Hip Hip HORRAY, Hip Hip HORRAY ” Everyone cheers & claps his achievment
Old Joe comes over to top up our drinks.
“ Should I even ask what you have been up too?” Old Joe teases me, placing a welcome cup of hot tea in front of me.
I guess, I have been going around with a silly grin on my face lately and have been caught on more than one occasion singing away to myself. Obviously “The Bear effect “Old Joe starts singing & jigging up & down to the jungle book song to tease me as he resumes his work round the bar…. much to the amusement of Lover & the new comers
“ Look for the BEAR necessities, the simple Bear necessities
Forget about your worries & your strife
I mean the BEAR necessities, Old Mother Nature’s recipies
That brings the Bear Necessities of life…”Old Joe animates clenched fists to his heart & bats his eye lids and adds in a high pitched womanly voice
“ Oh Bear, make me , take me as your wife “ he continues the song..
“Whenever I wander, wherever I roam, I couldn’t be fonder of my big home
The Bee is buzzin in her tree, to make special honey just for He……”I burst out laughing at his impromptu performance & Old Joe flourishes and bows , chuckling too.
“ Be careful Joe” I tease him. “ I may remember this when your raise is up for review.”
He chuckles and says “ I hope you do, you may triple my wages”Still laughing, I say toodle pip to the new patrons & I take my tea to the office & join Jayc, JD & Stone in our office to catch up on business for the day. Lover & Covems follows me too.
Jayc, Stone & Covems look like the day after the day before too but in Jovial mood. JD looks fresh. Lover is impeccable as per usual.
We all greet each other and then they all begin to hum the “ Bear necessity” tune too, which nearly causes me to spurt my tea at them.
“ Is this the conspiracy tune for the day?” I ask good naturedly and we all chortle as they feign animated innocence.
We get down to business and after chatting awhile we all go to see to the items on our work list for the day.
I come across Tango loitering in a doorway of an unused office, muttering to himself about a plan. He asks to speak to the management so I signal for Jayc , JD, Covems & Lover to join us in our office .
Stone comes out of the changing rooms and I ask her to take the orders for teas and coffees and join us in the office.
Soon, we are settled in and we turn to Tango expectantly ….
In the meantime, outside at the bar, Old Joe & King Dustin listens to HB , taking a message for us in the office….
April 21, 2013 at 1:34 pm #67346I stand in the Office with all the management feeling a little nervous thinking it was only going to be Brandy and Stone not all the management Jayc , JD, Lover and Covems.
Stone walks in with a tray of teas and coffees for everyone we all take are mugs off the tray and she goes and sits with Jayc.
They all turn and look at me “Well Tango what's this plan of your's then” Brandy ask's“Will I was thinking of putting something I learned a long time ago back into use. But and this is way I needed to talk to you all I need same where to do it” I pause for a few seconds “And the room next door would be perfect for it. I will do all the work that is needed to do in there so there wont be any cost to the Bar.”
“What do you want to do then Tango” Lover ask's
“I want to start a massage room here” I say with a smile and give Brandy a little wink
The office goes quirt and I take a drink of my tea and look around at everyone
“I would like to put a shower in at the back of the room and paint the room in soft pastel colours and put mood lighting in to set the room off ” Taking a sip of my tea and say “What do you think”
April 21, 2013 at 2:36 pm #67347I listen to Tango's idea with genuine interest. I had the good fortune of being the subject of Tango's amazing foot massage and then later, on another day, a neck, head & shoulder massage. The man knew what he was talking about & certainly knew the trade.
He opened up a rolled paper, flip chart size and showed his plans and idea for his massage parlour.
He had thought, long & hard about it. There were a couple of massage tables for full massage treatments, a couple of Dentists type chairs – for Tango's head & shoulder massages & foot & leg massages, a large shower room at the back and a separate room next to it with a hot tub & spa area.
Pastel colours and luxurious carpet for the flooring. Changing rooms and lockers for clothes and AB&G fluffy bathrobes & towels.
Cupboards for his oils & massage lotions & numerous massage tools and secret tools to relax his clients.Tango's presentation of his idea was impressive & all the management were keen on the idea. It would compliment the Bar & Grill , and be a nice treat for customers & performers on stage as well as patrons taking part in the pit wrestling & Mechanical Bull challenges.
Not to mention, a nice treat after a hard days work.
All voted in favour of the spare office being used for such a venture. An agreement was quickly come to about a % of the takings with a few free massages negotiated for the management & a guest.
Covems offered the services of himself and the dwarfs for the rooms to be partitioned & prepared . In fact, we all offered to do our bit to help out.
The meeting was drawn to a close after awhile, all looking forward to try it out at the opening of the AB&G Massage Parlour & mini Bath House.
Tango was pleased his idea was taken so favourable . He was looking forward to opening it .
I ventured outside and Old Joe caught my attention and told me that HB had been in about a Furry Party he was planning on Friday 26 April 2013. The poster was already on the AB&G notice board.
” Great Idea ” I tell Old Joe. I wander over to check out the poster . Very impressive and fancy dress too. That's just perfect.
The posters next to it reminds people of the voting and reading of The Erotic Story Contest 4 ” First Time ” VOTE FOR YOUR FAVOURITE CONTEST STORY,
Forum Home Page / Organisations & Events / Contests / “ FIRST TIME” THE STORIES, EROTIC CONTEST 4.,2376.0.html
And that the Achat Paper Chase was asking for volunteers to take part :-
Forum Home Page / Organizations & Events / Events / New Game Achat Paper Chase,2390.0.htm
The Hunting of the EASTER EGGG (s) would also be starting soon, and prize for the correct number counted.
Forum Home Page / Organizations & Events / Contests / Hunt the easter eggg,2346.0.htmlI look at the colourful posters and go back to the furry party … I think I know just the costume to wear…..
April 21, 2013 at 4:53 pm #67348Turning I nearly bump into jcm0824 just about to leave but checking out the notice board and the Furry party before he goes.
” Are you going to come to the Furry Party? ” I grin at him
” I might have to come to see what its all about ” He smiles back
” I hope you do, don't forget its fancy dress now – seems a furry animal is the order of the day , any ideas as to what you may come as? ”
He shakes his head but looked deep in thought. He turns to leave and starts to whistle …
“ Look for the BEAR necessities, the simple Bear necessities
Forget about your worries & your strife
I mean the BEAR necessities, Old Mother Nature’s recipies
That brings the Bear Necessities of life…”” mmmm , seems I'll be stuck with that song for a bit ” I chuckle after him , ” You come back soon now ”
April 21, 2013 at 7:15 pm #67349We all listen to Tango’s request with interest, after hearing the details and some Q&A we green light the project with nods from the staff. As the meeting breaks up I open my bottom desk drawer and pull out a poster for the events board.
I follow Brandy out to the bar and introduce myself and my lovely spouse Stone to Jcm0824, we shake hands and he assures us he will be back for the party. I walk over to the events board and try to find room for our poster.
Shaking my head I notice old events are still posted. “hey Joe you need to keep this board up to date “ as I take down the Halloween and Christmas party announcements. Joe waves me off with a hand telling me he is not listening to me, Like always
After a few minutes I have organized the events board and have made room for my poster. I tack it up and step back to look.
April 22, 2013 at 10:11 am #67350Sitting on the counter stool, i look at people watching at the new posters in the board: seems like the two new event are catching the attention of the new and the old guest and it's exactly what i expect! but lot of think must be done before the party can start….i have to work on my costume for it and there are a others two i have to do for some friends!
“better go home and work on them” i say to my self, when i see Master Tango coming out the Management Office talking with Brandy and having a satisfy smile over his face. I know he have something in his mind but he don't had tell about it….a surprise for everyone, he said….uhmmm….wonder what is it!! I step down from my stool and and reach them, holding my Master from behind, kissing his neck, then i turn to Brandy and wink at her, pointing at the board.
“The party is on his way, Brandy….and your costume too! I'll bring it to you really soon and i'm sure you will love it!”
“Really!? Great news, HB!” she answer me looking at the costumers reading all the news on the board “i'll wait to see it! now excuse me, but new guest need a proper welcome!”
“Of course……the Bee welcome!” i say smiling, looking at her leaving us alone and join jcm0824.
“What a nice surprise to find you here, Master…..” i whisper at him, lettimg my hand running down to his abdomen and kissing his neck again ” i had miss you so much, Master!”
April 22, 2013 at 3:42 pm #67351I just want a coffe… is that possible?
An incomprehensible voice answer me: YES, yes that is, it comes …
mmmmm Thank youApril 22, 2013 at 5:52 pm #67352I follow Brandy out of the office with a satisfied smile on my face thinking “hehehe the cat that go the cream”
Standing at the doorway of the new Bar & Grill Spa room chatting with Brandy about what needs to be done to the Spa. When I feel a pear of arms wrap around me and then the soft feel of lips on the back of my neck. I tilt my head to give the kisser more of my neck then I hear the sweet voice my Sweet Pet HB
I hold her arms and puller tighter onto my back she turns to Brandy
“The party is on his way, Brandy….and your costume too! I'll bring it to you really soon and I'm sure you will love it!”
“Really!? Great news, HB!” she answer“What a nice surprise to find you here, Master…..” HB whispers in my ear I feel her hands move down over my abdomen and kisses my neck some more ” I had missed you so much, Master!”
“I'm sorry I left you my Pet at the party, But let me show you something my Pet” I hold her arm and move us inside the empty room.
I move from being behind me to standing with her back to me and my arms around her.“This is what I've been planning my Pet I've got the go ahead to change this room into a massage come spa room” I whisper in her ear, “That's why I couldn't say anything my Pet didn't know if the management would go for my idea” I kiss her neck softly “Sorry for keeping it a secret from you my Pet”
I spin her around to face me and Kiss My sweet Pet full and deeply on her soft lips, feeling her mouth open to let my tongue find hers.
I push her back against the Big wall mirror as our kiss gets more intense and our hands move over each others body. I slide my hand between us and cup her right breast squeezing it gently as we kiss more,I feel my Pet press herself against me and breaks our kiss “I missed you Master” my Pet whispers
“I've missed you to my Pet but we have your party to plan and I need to get my thrown down to my Dungeon and get that ready so we can go there after the party”I take my Pet's hand and lead her back into the bar and take her back to her stole.
“”Knock Knock Knock”” I tap on the not so secret door in the Bar, it slides open and Doc's head appears “Arrr Doc any chance you could get the boys to help move the throne on the stage down to my chambers in the Ice House” I ask
“Sure Tango have you got your Key for us to get in” he asks.
“Sure here you go just put it against the back wall form me” I hand Doc the Key and the door shuts.I set on the stole next to my Pet and look deep into her eyes.
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