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    September 9, 2012
    An Interview With TightFit74

    Norwich:  About a month ago I sent a request to TightFit74, for an interview for publication in The AChat Tattler, to which he graciously agreed.  There was a delay on my part of formulating the questions and getting them sent to him.  Finally, after a long delay, I was able to devote some time to the interview process.  So, without any further delay, I present The AChat Tattler’s interview with TightFit74.

    I appreciate your agreeing to an interview for the AChat Tattler, and taking the time to answer these questions. 

    TightFit74:  I was delighted and felt proud when I got your request for an interview, I view the Tattler as a first place for any forum members to visit if they want to be up to date on the latest. I appreciate your efforts very much. It brings life to the forum. I played with the idea myself but I am glad you did it first. The layout of the Tattler is perfect.

    Norwich:  I must say that I truly appreciate the comments you have made about The AChat Tattler.  What started out as a “one time thing” has grown into something I really enjoy doing, and it is wonderful to know that some people actually enjoy it.  Now, on to the Questions:

    Norwich:  You wear a lot of hats here at AChat.  Forum moderator, fashion designer, story writer and Erotic Story Contest host.  Which one of those are you the most interested in?

    TightFit74:  My real passion lays with creating something, whether it is in word or in graphics. To start out with a thought and transfer that thought to something more.. touchable. I doubt I would have ever done something like this if I hadn’t signed up for this game. I had written a few stories but really started developing them here. And as soon as I made my first design for the game I got hooked. I can lose myself completely when I am working on something, whether it is a story or a design, the creating process is what attracts me most. I do take being a moderator and the host of the contest very seriously. I like to contribute to a nice and open environment for everybody to have fun in, but my passion lays with creation.

    Norwich:  When you first joined AChat, how long did you play as a “Free User” before becoming Premium and what was involved in your decision to subscribe?  Also, how long did it take before you started posting in the forum?

    TightFit74:  When I first tried this game, I was very much attracted by the graphic nature of the game, but mostly being able to decide what the avatar should does. Being in control like that was very new to me and it took me some time before I realized the importance of the person behind the other avatar. I think I bought a subscription within a week.

    Realizing how special some people were in this game, came when there was a new feature introduced that did not last long, the general chat. That is almost 2 years ago, but I made a few wonderful friends. With some I am still in touch. It was like a chat channel where everybody could write down something and everybody could read. I guess like a normal chatroom though I’ve never been to one. When the feature disappeared, I found the forum when I looked for answers, and got caught by the friendly mood and the open minded people posting.

    Norwich:  In your opinion, what has been the most significant change to AChat since you started?

    TightFit74:  I think the biggest change since I started is the involvement of the members in the development of the game. Not just the designs that found their way into the shop, also the countless suggestions for poses, actions, rooms, backgrounds, accessories have definitely made an impact on the game. That interaction means that the development team is listening to their customers. Sometimes it takes long before what they hear is transferred to an actual product, referring to the lobbying for more LGBT poses, but they show they are committed to us and our wishes.

    Norwich:  On to your designs.  Everything that has been released by you has been successful and all the designs on the table that haven't been released yet have been met with great approval by those here in the forum.  Where do you draw your inspirations from when you create your fashions?  Are they from your real life, suggestions in the forum, or do they just pop into your head?

    TightFit74:  If someone had told me a year ago that I would be designing outfits for Achat and they would actually be worn in the game, I would have discarded the statement as rubbish. I never imagined myself doing this. But I started to add to the wardrobe of men which was small at the beginning. I was and am inspired by the comments on forum and tried to make what was suggested. But inspiration comes from everywhere. Sometimes just a thought, a picture or a suggestion on forum, a friend likes to help me too by sending me pics and suggestions. Sometimes it is what I want to wear myself in the game or what I would love to see my partner wear when we are playing. And being a roleplay-adept, I really wanted outfits to fit the stories I have in mind. I enjoy preparing for a date by dressing the right way, adjusting background and tagline to fit the occasion.

    Norwich:  I am asking this one for myself.  The story you wrote and posted a few months ago that had puzzles in it that needed to be solved before moving on with the story was fantastic.  Do you have any more of those types of stories in mind that we can look forward to?  And, how do you develop your story lines?

    TightFit74:  The Mystery arose really while writing it. It was meant to be a short story, maybe the length of a post, but while writing it took its own course and started to direct me, instead of the other way around. The story was very vague outlined at the start but got more and more defined as the story continued. I do have another story in mind where the interaction with the forum is decisive for how the story develops (think of arriving at a crossroad and having to decide, left or right) but for the time being I am concentrating on my own entry for the 3rd story contest of Achat.

    I start writing my stories having a fixed idea in mind. Where, when, who have to be clear before I can start. The why is often vague and develops during writing. When the thought is good, call it inspiration, the story flows by itself and all I have to do is write down the words. But sometimes I get tangled up and have to work to get the story back on track. With the 3rd story contest opened, I have the where, the when and the who ready, the why and how is still yet undetermined.

    Norwich  This one is more of a statement than a question.  Upon reading the entries for the Erotic Story Contest II that just finished.  Were you as surprised as I was as to the quality of all the entries, or did you expect the stories to be as good as they were?

    TightFit74:  I was amazed with the quality and the diversity of the stories and I know a few people that entered one, wrote a story for the first time. I’d like to take the opportunity to applaud these contestants for taking a plunge in the deep and let themselves be judged by the forum. Actually publishing a story, whether on a forum like Achat’s or in a different setting, leaves the writer vulnerable. My deepest respect and gratitude for those who made that step and I hope more will send in their entries for contest III
    Knowing some of the contestants personally, I expected some stories to be very good, but I was pleasantly surprised that the level was that high.  It really made the contest a success. Triple the amount of stories and all… arousing to read.

    Norwich:  In the AChat game itself, what improvement or updates would you be most interested in seeing come about?

    TightFit74:  LGBT poses, the catering to all orientations equally. I know that is a dream and I know that economical reasons are at the basis for choosing to release more mf poses as for other orientations, but that doesn’t mean that they should be neglected. I’ve always supported that idea. Though I don’t have the frustrations as others have, being hetero, I can fully understand discontent when paying for a full subscription but being limited with the options offered. The balance seems off and should be corrected. Lol, enough lobby for the LGBT community…

    Second thing I think would have a huge impact on the enjoyment of the game, is an improved chat function. You learn to deal with it after a while, but it could be made much more user friendly. A simple tab system, a tab for each individual you are chatting with, will solve the problems caused by sending a message to the wrong person. I am sure it has happened to everybody

    Norwich:  This concludes the interview.  If you would like to make any sort of statement, on whatever subject you have on your mind, please do so:

    TightFit74:  I hope I am not too lengthy in my answers, I tend to get enthusiastic when asked about the things I am passionate about. It was a pleasure to be interviewed. Last thing I want to say is, that people in the game, on forum and in real life, will muster the strength to be honest and respectful to those they meet. Smile, it’s contagious..

    Again, I would like to say how appreciative I am of TightFit74 taking the time to submit to this interview.  I think it's a fun way for those who read the forum to get to know the members who are the most active there.  My dream goal is to interview all the active members of the forum and perhaps even take the interview process into the AChat site itself and publish those in The AChat Tattler.

    Thank you for reading,

    My apologies for the delay in getting the interview out to you.  To explain, I work for a university here in the USA and the months of August and September are the busiest for me, so I simply did not have the time to write this up.  I am trying a new format to the look of The AChat Tattler.  Instead of the newspaper look I thought I would try this on the actual posting format.  I will put up a poll as a survey for feedback as to which look is preferred.  The old newspaper look or the new (but really not new) Forum posting look.



    I wish to thank everyone who voted on the look of The AChat Tattler.  I have taken the poll down and will continue with this “look” of The AChat Tattler. – Norwich-


    Thanks for letting me know about that Tight.

    Have ideal for  Tattler.  Think should do a piece on our new Moderator Brandybee


    As I describe here,1405.0.html you can do this with every topic and with each category too.


    My old pal has allowed me to take over the Tattler.  I am saddened to report that Norwich is moving on from AChat.  I'll miss ya buddy.


    So we have bad and good news

    :- Sorry to read Norwich is leaving… hope you are ok Norwich and please take my best wishes. Live your life as you want it to. If you ever feel to visit us, just do. You’re always welcome

    Covems, thanks for taking over the Tattler. I’m sure you also will do a great job and if you ever need help feel free to ask. But not too often

    😀 One tip for you:
    *Be good or at least be good at what you are doing* 😉


    I am so glad we have a new reporter in town     This idea was just too good  for it not to continue.

    Norwich, if you still read this, I wish you love & luck & hope all your dreams are fulfilled.  I hope one day you will visit again  :-*  I'm sure Covems will keep your Tattler legacy alive & kicking.

    Covems ,
    Thank you so much for taking up the mantle.  I am so proud you are a member of Forum & appreciate all the hard work you do for us here.
    On behalf of the Forum Village I thank you for continuing our local paper. 


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