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  • in reply to: Hey! Its my cock so let me control it, ok?!!! #58832

    i suggest a whole new feature when it comes to the whole scale of a limp to fully erect penis. this should be completely controlled by the player through maybe the exitement meter. i do not appreciate that as soon as i take my panties off my cock is fully erect. i do not appreciate tht i cant do a nud pole dance, nude striptease or lay nude i bed in the foreplay pose without a fully developed erection.

    the exitement meter should therefore be divided into atleast 3 steps: limp – semi erect – fully erect. once the player goes from one level to the next it will still drop with time but NOT down to a lower level. this feature will drastically increase game options and diffent kinds of play.

    so, wht u all think? :)

    Excellent suggestion. It is much more realistic. If I were “fully erect” as much as the avis on here, I couldn't even walk down the hallway, or get in and out of my car without slamming my dick in the door. ;D

    in reply to: FFS. Pose Review Request. 7. Threesome Double sided Pleasure. #59249

    A new 3some pose for girls have been released
    It’s for FFF, FFS & FSS.
    It’s double penetration this time… but regrettably shemales can’t receive in it.
    They come at A$ 299 each.


    So what do you think of it?

    I raised the issue, but still haven’t received an answer yet from DEV Team, i.e. why every combination EXCEPT Shemale/Female/Male?

    in reply to: MS. Pose Review Request. 5. Lets Talk. #59605

    I think the pose fills it's purpose, it's good for what it's made for.

    The options are:

    • Fondle face.
    • Fondle thigh.
    • Yawn.
    • Rub leg.
    • Hold hand.
    • Kiss.
    • Kiss hand.
    • Kiss face.
    • Lean back.
    • Fondle knee
    • Slap face.
    • Turn away.
    • [/list]

      Quite good options for a pose made for talking, it definitely beats just standing face to face. What I miss is the option to hug him and I'd like the pose to be in our normal clothes instead of sex clothes.

    TY Adera. :-* You have just done what I was going to recommend to AChat. I think whenever ANY new pose is released, AChat should include the specific “actions”. I don't really want to buy a pose just from the single picture and title without knowing what I can actually do with my partner. Regardless of gender orientation, type of pose, etc. I would like to see AChat adopt your more specific detailed explanation for every newly released pose. :)

    in reply to: Is enough being done to combat hookers? #57405


    Rukya, I would never pay for sex..  For me, it would be an ensured disaster.. I laugh at the banners that say: Pay me, so I will get twice as horny.. Money is an aphrodisiac for sure, but this just makes me laugh.

    There is another one I always have to laugh a lot. “Pay me and I will do anything”
    Sometimes I wanna say: OK, here is the money, now come and clean my house :D

    I think I will do it someday.

    ;D ;D ;D. Great line. I think your approach would ensure the financial stability of AChat. I can see a “vacuum my vagina” or “Blow my broom” pose.
    The problem is at my house, “taking out the trash” would be solo masturbation only. No one seems to be around when the time cums (sorry couldn't resist). ::)

    in reply to: Is enough being done to combat hookers? #57404

    Gifts should be from the heart, which means the idea should originate with you.


       Your last post made me blush.  Thank you for your kind words.  :)

       It was a Gift that got me to try AChat on the premium level, and it was that time trying AChat on the premium level that got me to sign up.  I agree that gifts should come from the heart and not a demand.  I too, would very much like to send a gift to some of the men I have met here, especially with Valentine's Day just around the corner, but I can not.  I send send a gift to the special ladies here, but not the men.  I hope AChat would take notice of this and allow gifting to the men.

    Thanks for letting me share,

    You have touched upon one of my very few exceptions in gifting. I did use the prize money from the erotic story contest you “gift” a woman a trial “premium” membership. This was consistent with my personal philosophy because she never hinted at wanting anything, it allowed her to experience orgasm with me, and the biggest pleasure for me was surprising her.  :-*

    in reply to: Is enough being done to combat hookers? #57399


       I came across this topic, and just had to add my 2 cents worth.  It's just my opinion, but I think AChat encourages the “hooker” thing.  Why else would they have a rating system for the people, (women, since I can not gift a Man) that you send gifts too?  I mean what in the world is up with that?  I sent my girlfriend a gift, because we kind of share our A$, (well, to a limit… I buy, she takes)  and I noticed along the side there was a rating for her if I wanted to give her one.  The scales goes from -5 hearts to + 5 hearts… and it's stated as RATE, not affection or something like that.  The only reason I see for having that is to remind me who was worth the A$.  She is, of course. lol

       That's all I gots to say about Dat.

    Thanks for letting me share,

    I agree with you in terms of AChat setting up a reward system that encourages hooking. However, as I said in a previous post, enough people are turned off by sexual blackmail for money, that for some of us, it results in reticence to spend, and lost revenue for ACHAT. This game is a microcosm of real life. There are plenty of hookers in bars, and some people are willing to part with their money for a guaranteed, or “unearned” sexual experience. However, there are also plenty of women in bars, or elsewhere who genuinely want to share a pleasurable experience wihout demeaning themselves. Women whose equality in the sexual encounter would be diminished by begging for dollars. These women are the most attractive to me, and in the long run, are the ones I end up spending my money on.  :-*

    PS Not to embarass you, but you are one of the ladies that would prompt me to spring for a weekend bed & breakfast, romantic dinner, and a fine wine and chocolates watching the sun set on the beach in Maui. :) :-*

    in reply to: Is enough being done to combat hookers? #57398

    The a-team does encourage hooking, as it is based on the gifting system. That was created to offer a base of available women for the biggest paying customer base, men..

    The a$ have to be bought and having girls ask and get paid for sex, means a bigger cashflow for the company. The gifting system was introduced so that it would be made easy for girls to be in the game without having to pay for it, therefor attracting them.

    To think or hope that the dev-team would take serious measures to kill all paid sex, is an Utopia.. They pay their bills with it. All of this was discussed and more or less confirmed (the gifting system, not the hooking part) by Tom..

    I applaud your realism. However, there are exceptions, to wit, I am one. I spend a lot of money on all poses, rooms,clothes, etc.
    I do not gift, except in rare occasions where my partner has already established a non quid-pro-quo relationship, AND there has been no request on the other person's part. Gifts should be from the heart, which means the idea should originate with you. My point in terms of your financial hypothesis (which for AChat owners is probably true), is that if hookers take over Achat, I am gone. That may fly in the face of their suspected business model, but hookers ruin the fantasy for me, and I will take my money with me.

    in reply to: [VOTE] For your Favorite Threesome Pose Idea – [CLOSED] #57128

    Thank you Dev team for the new Threesome “double-sided pleasure” poses. However, you have forgotten me in a Male/Female/Shemale combination. Not to be ungrateful, but HELP!!!!. I think this must have been an oversight because the M/F/S combination could not be that mush different to develop. Thanks.  :) :-*

    in reply to: The impossible is about to happen. Posts Milestone. #59169

    hehe women (me in particular) love to be on top , under , behind , in front , all sides  ;D

    Now that comment is funny….honest, but funny. ;D :-*.

    in reply to: Female Impostors. Male Imposters. Gender Fluid Avatars #42818

    In another thread, there was a discussion about hetero sexualism and bisexualism and gay. I agreed with the notion that it is a gliding scale, maybe even without absolutes. Though I see myself as a woman's-man, I do feel attracted to shemales if they are feminine from within, instead of wearing a shroud of being a woman.

    Does that make me instantly bi? I know it discard me as a 100% straight guy.. In the end, the gender only matters so much. It is the personality behind it that makes someone interesting or not.

    As far as discovering if the girl on the other hand is a girl is concerned, invest in chatting, getting to know someone before you jump in a room.The only way to have some confidence the person you are meeting, is more or less the person they say they are. Everyone here wears a mask, but most are here not with the intention to deceive..

    You are, as usual, eloquent and have captured my sentiments exactly. I would add that, even in a game and wearing a mask, we
    should sincerely feel our partner's emotions, in addition to the physical pleasure.  :)

    in reply to: Female Impostors. Male Imposters. Gender Fluid Avatars #42802

    So how do you spot a fake girl? And by fake girl I mean a guy who's pretending to be a girl. Do you have certain questions that will defenetly tell you if is a real girl  depending on the answer? Can you tell just from the greetings? Can you tell just from the profile? If a girl says homo in her profile and asks me into a room anyway, is that a sign or she's just confused about her sexual orientation?  :P

    I became somehow good at spotting fake girls but it's more of a feeling that something's off then a certanty, usually when the “girl” starts flirting I can tell, even thou most of them is looking for just quick sex and don't last past the third message lol.

    Anyway I started this topic cause I heard stories about girls been deceived and became attached to a girl only to find out she wasn't a real SHE, your opinions and knoledge regarding the subject might be usefull to some new users who aren't aware of this lets' call it phenomenon and protect them from terrible revelations.

    I don't know about you but being lied like that would piss me off and in the case of a reletionship, friendly or loving, finding out I was deceived would devastate me.

    P.S. I wasn't sure where to start this topic so if it's the wrong section please Suzy or Tom feel free to move it to the appropriate section  :D

    This may appear tangential to your question, but it goes to the core question of honesty. Choices of “hetero” , “Bi” or “homo”
    may lend to confusion or misinterpretation, especially when people don't read the profile carefully. For example, I am mostly Hetero, but love real shemales. I find most gentle in spirit, beautiful, and sensitive. However, I do NOT want to room with males. When I listed “hetero”, I got no invites from Shemales. Therefore, I switched to “BI”, but carefully explained, “No males” at the bottom of the profile. Now I am getting tons of unwanted invites from males. I am a polite person, so I answer diplomatically, trying not to hurt their feelings.

    In summary, the three categories are restrictive and may exacerbate a few people to be misleading accidentally.  ??? :-* :-*

    in reply to: BDSM, Bondage and Fetish Poses. #58773

    no , no errors , i think 95% of mf/fm poses can be done by all the others orientations , but its just what i think ;D

    I agree. Also, why isn't there a Robot Shemale? :) You would think this would be easy to adapt. :-*

    in reply to: Game Idea. RESIZE CLIENT WINDOW AND CHAT WINDOW IN FORUM. #59131

    QUOTE: “In each messenger software you see when your chat partner is writing, usually there are 3 little points running.
    Is it a) possible and b) a good idea to have something like this, too?

    I think it would be helpful. Though I believe it’s just possible in room. Outside everyone can write to you and it could be impossible oder very confusing.
    What do you think? ”

    The more communication improvement, the better. Sometimes I am writing, and they have already said, “Yes.” : 🙂

    in reply to: [VOTE] For your Favorite LBGT Pose Idea – [CLOSED] #56965

    You all have done an excellent job of suggesting poses I would like, so I don't have a specific on to add.

    HOWEVER, I would like to see the “Change roles” option for as many 3som poses as possible. Many times the 3rd person is restricted to just standing there an masturbating, which off course is fun, but not fair.  :-*

    in reply to: BDSM, Bondage and Fetish Poses. #58758

    We talked about similar ideas long time ago. Some wishes have been fulfilled, some not. So it's no problem to bring them back again.

    Like you said it's important both agree, like the poses.
    I'm not a bondage fan, but a lot of people are. I just add my thoughst to your suggestions.

    – Handcuffs or ropes for foreplay
    – Feather, toys, cream, blindfolds, icecubes, fruits, ice, candles
    – slowly undressing like a stripper
    – a chance to give a massage
    – darker light in room (maybe candlelight or dimmed light)
    – keeping clothes during sex (e.g. for a quickie)

    We also talked about more afterplay, either to cool down or to start again.

    Here is one link in which we talked about your ideas:,932.0.html

    More rooms like a kitchen, a bath, public scenes also have been asked for. I think we should discuss it in the rooms thread.

    I agree with the above, and even though IO am not a big bondage fan, more than one person has asked for ropes to be tied to the bed or ceiling.

    Here are some additional thoughts and some questions I need help with, since I am still learning the game by “trial-and-(mostly) error”:

    1. Procedure questions:

      * I noticed a real picture of a person inserted in the upper left screen with the avi. I really enjoyed looking at the person in real life, but I am not
          sure how it was triggered to appear. Is there a button I push when the person has substituted their pic, or do they control this?

      * When doing a general partner search, it may include several pages of people that take a long time to load. Sometimes, I recognize all of the
          people on page 1, and want to skip quickly to page 2. Currently, I have to wait until all the pics are loaded. Is there an override to move on?

      * When I initiate a chat, I often get message “I am busy, please try later”, which of course I respect and it is helpful. I would like to use this
          option to tell others the same thing when I have too many conversations going, etc. Is there a button to send this message that I am not
        aware of?

    2. Poses: Are the following possible, or are in progress?

      * Dance, but with “sex clothing” in addition to current “street clothes”.
      * 69 male to shemale with mutual fellatio
      * Sex on kitchen table or butcher block.

    3. Are you still working on partner audio response,i.e. moaning, which would be optional (like music) since some others have already expressed

    Thank you dev team for your work and consideration, and thank you to all the experienced users who have been both gracious and helpful. :)

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